Unsere Leistungen im Detail

Blindtext depending on the needs of your project you can choose between different packages:

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Agile development with stakeholder reviews

Blindtext depending on the needs of your project you can choose between different packages:

Coordination with relevant stakeholders

Blindtext depending on the needs of your project you can choose between different packages:

Data formatting, data grooming and data cleansing

Blindtext depending on the needs of your project you can choose between different packages project you can choose between different packages:

Individuelle Konfiguration der Benutzeroberfläche & Vorlagen

Blindtext depending on the needs of your project you can choose between different packages:


Discussions with stakeholders on the status quo and needs

Blindtext depending on the needs of your project you can choose between different packages:

Workshops on data and information requirements

Blindtext depending on the needs of your project you can choose between different packages:

Identification of already available data sources

Blindtext depending on the needs of your project you can choose between different packages

Integration of relevant data sets and statistical data

Blindtext depending on the needs of your project you can choose between different packages:

Setting up the customer instance with all basic information

Blindtext depending on the needs of your project you can choose between different packages:

Software as a Service

Hosting, operation and maintenance of the application

Blindtext depending on the needs of your project you can choose between different packages:

Admin-bereich mit Nutzer-, Daten-, Vorlagen, und Session-Management

Blindtext depending on the needs of your project you can choose between different packages:

Ongoing further development and seamless updates

Blindtext depending on the needs of your project you can choose between different packages

Support and regularly updated training material

Blindtext depending on the needs of your project you can choose between different packages:

Custom Solutions

Discussions with stakeholders on the status quo and needs

Blindtext depending on the needs of your project you can choose between different packages:

Individual data curation and consulting

Blindtext depending on the needs of your project you can choose between different packages:

Module development

Blindtext depending on the needs of your project you can choose between different 

Support and regularly updated training material

Blindtext depending on the needs of your project you can choose between different packages:

Advice on user-oriented digitalisation and urban data platforms

Blindtext depending on the needs of your project you can choose between different packages:


Depending on the needs of your project you can choose between different service packages:

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Free Trial


bundesweite Basisinstanz

Blindtext depending on the needs of your project you can choose between different packages:

allgemeine Statistikdaten (DeStatis)

Blindtext depending on the needs of your project you can choose between different packages:

standard Analysewerkzeuge1

Blindtext depending on the needs of your project you can choose between different packages:

keine Datenkuration

Blindtext depending on the needs of your project you can choose between different packages:

1 Benutzer (to be specified)

Blindtext depending on the needs of your project you can choose between different packages:

X Custom Databases / Layers

Blindtext depending on the needs of your project you can choose between different packages:

X Templates / Vorlagen

Blindtext depending on the needs of your project you can choose between different packages:

X Public Views

Blindtext depending on the needs of your project you can choose between different packages:

Für gewerbliche Nutzung

Basic Plus

X Benutzer 

Blindtext depending on the needs of your project you can choose between different packages:

bundesweite Basisinstanz mit erweiterten Themendaten (OSM)2

Blindtext depending on the needs of your project you can choose between different packages:

allgemeine Statistikdaten (DeStatis)

Blindtext depending on the needs of your project you can choose between different packages:

standard Analysewerkzeuge1

Blindtext depending on the needs of your project you can choose between different packages:

keine Datenkuration

Blindtext depending on the needs of your project you can choose between different packages:

Für gewerbliche Nutzung


Blindtext depending on the needs of your project you can choose between different packages:

erweiterte Basisinstanz inkl. Ihre eigenen Daten

Blindtext depending on the needs of your project you can choose between different packages:

spezifische Statistiken

Blindtext depending on the needs of your project you can choose between different packages:

Admin Panel

Blindtext depending on the needs of your project you can choose between different packages:

große Datenkuration

Blindtext depending on the needs of your project you can choose between different packages:

keine Datenkuration

Blindtext depending on the needs of your project you can choose between different packages:

Für gewerbliche Nutzung


Blindtext depending on the needs of your project you can choose between different packages:

X Benutzer

bedeutet Blindtext on the needs of your project you can choose between different packages:

erweiterte Basisinstanz inkl. Ihre eigenen Daten

bedeutet Blindtext on the needs of your project you can choose between different packages:

spezifische Statistiken

Blindtext depending on the needs of your project you can choose between different packages:

erweiterte Analysewerkzeuge1

Blindtext depending on the needs of your project you can choose between different packages

Admin Panel

Blindtext depending on the needs of your project you can choose between different packages:

kleine Datenkuration

Blindtext depending on the needs of your project you can choose between different packages:

Für gewerbliche Nutzung – Extensions

Custom APIs

Optional additions to the other packages.

Standorte nach Kriterien finden

Blindtext depending on the needs of your project you can choose between different packages:

stadtweite „15-Minute Analysen“

Blindtext depending on the needs of your project you can choose between different packages:

Simulation für Raumszenarien

Blindtext depending on the needs of your project you can choose between different packages

soziale Bewertung von Szenarien

Blindtext depending on the needs of your project you can choose between different packages:

Schnittstelle für Einzel-Analysen

Blindtext depending on the needs of your project you can choose between different packages: