Unsere Leistungen im Detail Blindtext depending on the needs of your project you can choose between different packages: Weitere Fragen? Kontaktieren Sie uns ↳ Anpassung Agile Entwicklung mit Stakeholder-Reviews Blindtext depending on the needs of your project you can choose between different packages: Abstimmung mit relevanten Stakeholdern Blindtext depending on the needs of your project you can choose between different packages: Datenformatierung, Datagrooming und Datacleaning Blindtext depending on the needs of your project you can choose between different packages project you can choose between different packages: Individuelle Konfiguration der Benutzeroberfläche & Vorlagen Blindtext depending on the needs of your project you can choose between different packages: Anbindung Gespräche mit Stakeholdern zu Status Quo und Bedarfen Blindtext depending on the needs of your project you can choose between different packages: Workshops zu Daten und Informationsbedarfen Blindtext depending on the needs of your project you can choose between different packages: Identifikation bereits verfügbarer Datenquellen Blindtext depending on the needs of your project you can choose between different packages Integration relevanter Datensätze und statistischer Daten Blindtext depending on the needs of your project you can choose between different packages: Einrichtung der Kundeninstanz mit allen Basisinformationen Blindtext depending on the needs of your project you can choose between different packages: Software as a Service Hosting, Betrieb und Wartung der Anwendung Blindtext depending on the needs of your project you can choose between different packages: Admin-bereich mit Nutzer-, Daten-, Vorlagen, und Session-Management Blindtext depending on the needs of your project you can choose between different packages: Laufende Weiterentwicklung und nahtlose Updates Blindtext depending on the needs of your project you can choose between different packages Support und regelmäßig aktualisiertes Schulungsmaterial Blindtext depending on the needs of your project you can choose between different packages: Custom-Lösungen Gespräche mit Stakeholdern zu Status Quo und Bedarfen Blindtext depending on the needs of your project you can choose between different packages: Individuelle Datenkuration und Beratung Blindtext depending on the needs of your project you can choose between different packages: Modulentwicklung Blindtext depending on the needs of your project you can choose between different Support und regelmäßig aktualisiertes Schulungsmaterial Blindtext depending on the needs of your project you can choose between different packages: Beratung zu nutzerorientierter Digitalisierung und urbanen Datenplattformen Blindtext depending on the needs of your project you can choose between different packages: Servicemodele Depending on the needs of your project you can choose between different service packages: Weitere Fragen? Kontaktieren Sie uns ↳ Free Trial Basic bundesweite Basisinstanz Blindtext depending on the needs of your project you can choose between different packages: allgemeine Statistikdaten (DeStatis) Blindtext depending on the needs of your project you can choose between different packages: standard Analysewerkzeuge1 Blindtext depending on the needs of your project you can choose between different packages: keine Datenkuration Blindtext depending on the needs of your project you can choose between different packages: 1 Benutzer (to be specified) Blindtext depending on the needs of your project you can choose between different packages: X Custom Databases / Layers Blindtext depending on the needs of your project you can choose between different packages: X Templates / Vorlagen Blindtext depending on the needs of your project you can choose between different packages: X Public Views Blindtext depending on the needs of your project you can choose between different packages: Für gewerbliche Nutzung Basic Plus X Benutzer Blindtext depending on the needs of your project you can choose between different packages: bundesweite Basisinstanz mit erweiterten Themendaten (OSM)2 Blindtext depending on the needs of your project you can choose between different packages: allgemeine Statistikdaten (DeStatis) Blindtext depending on the needs of your project you can choose between different packages: standard Analysewerkzeuge1 Blindtext depending on the needs of your project you can choose between different packages: keine Datenkuration Blindtext depending on the needs of your project you can choose between different packages: Für gewerbliche Nutzung Enterprise Blindtext depending on the needs of your project you can choose between different packages: erweiterte Basisinstanz inkl. Ihre eigenen Daten Blindtext depending on the needs of your project you can choose between different packages: spezifische Statistiken Blindtext depending on the needs of your project you can choose between different packages: Admin Panel Blindtext depending on the needs of your project you can choose between different packages: große Datenkuration Blindtext depending on the needs of your project you can choose between different packages: keine Datenkuration Blindtext depending on the needs of your project you can choose between different packages: Für gewerbliche Nutzung Explore Blindtext depending on the needs of your project you can choose between different packages: X Benutzer bedeutet Blindtext on the needs of your project you can choose between different packages: erweiterte Basisinstanz inkl. Ihre eigenen Daten bedeutet Blindtext on the needs of your project you can choose between different packages: spezifische Statistiken Blindtext depending on the needs of your project you can choose between different packages: erweiterte Analysewerkzeuge1 Blindtext depending on the needs of your project you can choose between different packages Admin Panel Blindtext depending on the needs of your project you can choose between different packages: kleine Datenkuration Blindtext depending on the needs of your project you can choose between different packages: Für gewerbliche Nutzung – Extensions Custom APIs Optional additions to the other packages. Standorte nach Kriterien finden Blindtext depending on the needs of your project you can choose between different packages: stadtweite „15-Minute Analysen“ Blindtext depending on the needs of your project you can choose between different packages: Simulation für Raumszenarien Blindtext depending on the needs of your project you can choose between different packages soziale Bewertung von Szenarien Blindtext depending on the needs of your project you can choose between different packages: Schnittstelle für Einzel-Analysen Blindtext depending on the needs of your project you can choose between different packages: